Desktop application

Trash folder

Joplin now support a trash folder - any deleted notes or notebooks will be moved to that folder. You can also choose to have these notes permanently deleted after a number of days.

Support for the trash folder has a somewhat long history in Joplin since it's an obvious and important feature to add, yet it can be particularly tricky once you start realising how many parts of the app it's going to impact.

Many attempts have been made over time: my first attempt was based on the note history feature. Indeed since this feature already saves versions of notes, it seems to make sense to use it for the trash feature, and indeed the note history feature was designed for this originally. However that approach turned to be needlessly complicated and after modifying hundreds of files just for this, the idea was dropped.

The next one was based on using a special "trash" tag - deleted notes would have this tag attached to them and would appear in a special "trash" folder. This approach also had many issues probably the main one being that notebooks can't be tagged, which means we would have to add support for tagged notebooks and that in itself would also be a massive change.

Various, ideas, were also attempted using plugins, by creating a special "trash folder", but in the end no such plugin was ever created, probably due to limitations of the plugin API.

In the end, turned out that this old idea of adding a "deleted" property to each note and notebook was the easiest approach. With this it was simpler to get to a working solution relatively quickly, and then it was a matter of ensuring that deleted notes don't appear where they shouldn't, such as search results, etc.

Joplin Cloud multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA), also known as two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires you to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a system or account. It typically includes something you know (password), something you have (security token), and something you are (biometric verification).

To better secure your account, Joplin Cloud and all Joplin applications now support MFA. To enable it, go to your Joplin Cloud profile, click on "Enable multi-factor authentication" and follow the instructions. Please note that all your applications will then be disconnected, so you will need to login again (your data of course will remain on the app so you won't have to download it again).

Note list with multiple columns

In this release we add support for multiple columns in the note list. You can display various properties of the notes, as well as sort the notes by these properties. As usual this feature can be controlled and customised by plugins so for example it should be possible to display custom columns, and display custom information including thumbnails.

Plugin API enhancement

The plugin API has received several updates to facilitate easy customisation of the app As mentioned above, it is now possible to customise the new note list. Besides this, we've added support for loading PDFs and creating images from them, which can for example be used to create thumbnails.

Many other small enhancements have been made to the plugin API to help you tailor the app to your needs!

View OCR data

Now when you right-click on an image or PDF you have an option to view the OCR (Optical character recognition) data associated with it. That will allow you for example to easily copy and paste the text.

Plugin support on mobile

As always, most of the above changes also apply to mobile (iOS and Android), for example the trash folder and MFA support.

Additionally the mobile application now adds support for plugins. To enable the feature, go to the settings then to the "Plugins" section. The feature is currently in Beta, in particular it means that some plugins do not work or only partially work. Normally the app should not offer you to install a non-working plugin but that may still happen. In general if you notice any issue with this beta feature please let me us know as we're keen to improve it.

Support for cross-platform plugins in Joplin is great news as it means a lot of new features become available on mobile. As of now, we have checked the following plugins and can confirm that they work on mobile:

Those are just some examples - many more are working!

Full changelogs

This is just an overview of the main features. The full changelogs are available there:


Can anyone confirm the multicolumn feature in indeed implemented on android, including the ability to control the columns? I'm on 3.0.7,and though the release notes for Android do list the feature as added in 3.0.2, I'm just not finding it via any menu. (The discord thread pointed to there indicates use of a view menu, which does not exist on the mobile app.)

I wonder if instead it's that the feature can only be ENABLED (and configured) on the desktop, such that the mobile support is only to leverage it if enabled on the desktop. None of the info (above or in the release notes or that other thread) indicate that as a limitation for the mobile app. So can anyone clarify things?

Like others (in the other thread) who for years have longed for this feature, I'm glad to see it. I'm just not on a desktop to check things out--and I figured others may come to the comments here wondering about this issue also. :slight_smile:

Awesome. Thanks, Laurent and everyone else.


YOOOOO that's huge!! I'm super stoked to upgrade and check out some of these new goodies. Wait is OCR built in now, or is this something that a plugin would use? Would be dope to have search-in-images

Thank you very much to Laurent and the team. I know that mobile plugin thing was a massive project and will really catapult Joplin mobile forward

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You mistook the Android changelog for the Desktop changelog which shows the multiple columns feature added in 3.0.2. It seems like a desktop only feature for now.

Test it by clicking View > Note List Style > Detailed.

Depending on where your note list panel is, you may also want View > Change Application to move it.

Amazing! Thank you so much for the work you've put into this, I really appreciate it.


I believe we need server version 3.0 to enable the multi-factor authentication, right?
I'm running on docker but version 2.14.2-beta is still the latest one. When will 3.0 be released for docker users?

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Yes it's built-in and scan images and PDFs. It needs to be enabled in General settings

This is Joplin Cloud only. This is mostly useful for large public instances anyway because if you self-host it can be assumed that nobody knows your server URL, let alone your email and password, so MFA wouldn't make things much more secure.


can someone confirm that you can change table cells properties (i.e.: cell background color) in RTE?
I using the pre-release 3.0.18 and table cell properties are not available in the RTE. There is only "table properties".

Thanks! The trash and columns are awesome features.

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Note list columns is pretty neat. With notebook title being an option, it looks like we're "just" one step away from the notes list being recursive and showing all the notes under a given notebook -- including those slotted away in nested notebooks. :upside_down_face:

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awesome!, great works!

I have one more question though.
Is "cursor jumping to the top of note" issue fixed?
It seems that it was fixed according to the version history, but someone said it was not fixed yet.
What is correct current situation ?

thx for the great work. The trash folder is an essential and great addition.

Unfortunately, the manual download of attachments no longer works in Sync. If you set it to "automatic", it works again.

I'm sorry this is not true. Every website using TLS certificate from public CA (e.g. letsencrypt) must be listed in a certificate transparency log so server fqdn is not a secret but publicly known - try yourself | and even if it would remain private "security by obscurity" doesn't work and MFA is a must for every internet facing service.. even better is support for SSO (openidconnect is welcome as requested here :wink:


You are correct. If you use a public CA. But, if you are self hosting, I would not recommend using a public CA. Mind you, being your own CA is a bit daunting to a lot of casual folks, but that's how you are supposed to run private networks.

Hi. I love Joplin, I am a heavy user and I have been using it for many years. I currently use Joplin server in a Docker container on Unraid, with a reverse proxy running from Pfsense and use the Joplin Android app on my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and also the Joplin Win app on a few Win 11 desktops / laptops. Since the upgrade to version 3 a few days ago, the android version has become so slow it is unusable. Can you please help? What shall I do to fix this? Shall I wait for the next update of the Joplin Android app on the playstore? Thanks

Are there a large number of nested notebooks on the Android device? If so, this might be related to Upgrading from last version 2.x Joplin to latest 3.x facing folder expanding slowness issue. · Issue #10674 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub, which might be fixed in the near future by this commit.

Thanks heaps. Yes, I have a lot of nested notebooks. I will be keeping a close eye on this commit

The threat model is different between a small private instance, where you only have one or two users, and a large public one with many users. The ROI for hackers is very different - we need MFA for Joplin Cloud but it's not as essential for Joplin Server, because it's only for personal use.

You can also put your private instance behind a VPN which many users who self-host do. Personally I don't self-host anything anymore because it's too much work to secure everything properly, but if I did I would definitely put everything behind a VPN.

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