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Joplin 3.1.20 (prod, darwin)
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Joplin Cloud
Markdown Editor
What issue do you have?
I have just discovered the draw feature in a note and it was really something missing for note taking during trainings and business meetings. However the selection is sometimes difficult because of the square tool. Is there a means of changing the form of the tool at all? This would be convenient to be able to somehow have a lasso tool or something more flexible than a rectangle.
It currently isn't possible to change the form of the selection. However, work is being done to make this possible.
The work-in-progress implementation can be found here:
Great! Thanks for the feedback. When do you expect this to make a release?
I find the drawing feature directly in a note really neat. The endless zoom is also fantastic. I use it a lot to comment pictures. I will now try using it more to draw a quick schematic or concept diagram.
Do you also expect to introduce layers and ways to crop pictures?
Thanks again.
Slightly OT but related - Henry, could it at some point be possible to mark-up existing images with JS Draw? Or it that beyond its scope? Thanks!
Although I would like support for multiple layers, they currently aren't high priority.
It's currently possible to crop pictures by changing what part of the picture is shown in Joplin. To do this,
- Draw the crop region with one of the pen tools.
- Select the stroke drawn in step 1.
- Open the stroke tool menu.
- Click "resize image to selection".
- Click "save".
To un-crop, open the "page" menu and check "auto-resize":
I would like to implement that at some point. Here are two ways I could see this working:
- Convert to SVG: Marking up a non-SVG image creates a new SVG resource and edits it. After saving, links to the old resource in the current note are replaced with links to the new resource.
- Overwrite existing raster image: Marking up a non-SVG image saves changes to the image as the original format. This would lose annotations drawn outside the image box.
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Thanks.I see how this works, However it does not do what I would like. I would like to have a drawing with say 2 cropped regions of 2 pictures by example to illustrate a process chart or what ever all on one same drawing.
What you propose -assuiming I understood it well- works for one picture only, doesn't it?
Thanks again.
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