I have posted multiple times to support before, but now if I click +Create Topic nothing happens. Tried changing several different aspects of my post, but still nothing. No error or anything either. But it works fine in other channels.

I created a post in Support a few days ago

Did you fill the fields with the red star? Sorry for asking the obvious but as far as I remember there was a blocker to publish support request without filling these fields.

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Sounds like it is just me then.

And yes I made sure to fill in the red star/required areas. That hasn't changed and I was able to post before. Not sure why it won't let me now, or even give a error as to why.

I don't know the problem, but just in case, I am mentioning, that some time ago, when I was creating a support ticket, I couldn't submit it without any error message because in the Joplin version field, I was entering something like 'Joplin 3.2.7 or 'Desktop 3.2.7 instead of just filling it in with 3.2.7